Feroze Dada

Feroze Dada is a successful philanthropist and entrepreneur whose journey begins when he meets his spiritual master- Ustād.

On his path, he discovers that the practical experience of helping a Buddhist monastery in Myanmar, which is supporting over 1200 orphaned refugees from the war, commits him to an unfolding path towards self-discovery and understanding and one that will increasingly fulfil his spiritual needs.

He is the interviewer and producer of the online TV series ‘Discovering Humanity’ and ‘Our One World’.

As well as his work as founder of The Inle Trust Charity set up to help children at the Phaya Taung monastery in Myanmar, he teaches and promotes meditation at The Sylvan Healing Sanctuary in London, a community of healers and teachers that offer energy healing, meditation and mindfulness.

All author royalties are donated to Charity.

Feroze's Books

Peace between Breaths
A Disciple
Children of the revolution